Debt for Climate Swap

> Mozambique show map hide map

Project summary

D4CS, the Debt for Climate Swap project in Mozambique focuses on what can be done to improve anticipation, prevention, and preparedness to losses and damages. Its objective is to support & institutionally strengthen the country into the inclusive transition achievement to a climate-resilient & low-carbon economy (considering vulnerable communities in rural & urban areas). Mozambican authorities & communities, including women, youth, & other vulnerable groups, will be strengthened to actively engage together in cross-sectoral coordination, specifically focusing on improved climate proofed public services, enabling policies & initiatives for energy transition.

In coordination with Mozambican institutions, two main areas of actions have been prioritized with the potential to impact more than 3000 people : (1) the deployment and/or modernization of integrated Early Warning Systems and (2) the dissemination of Integrated spatial planning to prepare to hazardous events.

Code MOZ23005
Start date 10 July 2024
End date 10 January 2030
Stage Ongoing
Donor Belgium
Sector 60061 Debt for development swap
Budget 2 163 675.00 €

General objective

GO: Support & institutionally strengthen Mozambique so the transition to a climate-resilient & low-carbon economy is achieved in an inclusive way considering vulnerable communities in rural & urban areas. SO: Mozambican authorities & communities, including women, youth, & other vulnerable groups, are strengthened to actively engage together in cross sectoral coordination, specifically focusing on improved climate proofed public services, enabling policies & initiatives for energy transition

Specific objective

A - Deployment and/or modernization of integrated Early Warning Systems and dissemination of information
B - Support and increase preparedness to hazardous events through development of an integrated forecasting system for floods, cyclones, hydrological droughts in selected territory


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