Advancing Rural Energy Transformation Through Renewable Mini-Grids and Solar Off-Grid Systems for Irrigation in Mozambique

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Project summary

The main objective of the MINIGRID project (Advancing Rural Energy Transformation Through Renewable Mini-Grids and Solar Off-Grid Systems for Irrigation) in Mozambique is to catalyse a sustainable transformation in rural energy access and the utilisation by leveraging innovative approaches in the renewable energy sector.

Through the strategic integration of scalable solar off-grid systems (for solar irrigation and productive use of energy) and renewable mini-grids, the project aims to enhance climate change adaptation, mitigation efforts, and rural development, while ensuring affordable, reliable, and clean energy access for underserved Mozambican rural communities.

The 2 main objectives are to empower rural communities with clean energy solutions and to catalyse economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Code MOZ23004
Start date 01 January 2025
End date 08 January 2030
Stage Formulation
Donor Green Climate Fund
Sector 23231 Solar energy for isolated grids and standalone systems
Budget Not available

General objective

The overarching goal of this project is to catalyze a sustainable transformation in rural energy access and utilization by leveraging innovative approaches in the renewable energy sector.

Specific objective

1. Empower Rural Communities with Clean Energy Solutions:
Enhance energy access through widespread adoption of solar-PV power systems and the deployment of renewable mini-grids, promoting climate resilience and sustainable development in Mozambique's underserved rural areas.
2. Catalyse Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability:
Drive local economic development by leveraging productive use of energy (PUE) and the water-energy-food-ecosystem (WEFE) nexus, providing reliable and affordable energy through innovative business models, reducing emissions, and advancing universal energy access.


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