Renewable Energy for Rural Development – Phase 2 (RERD2)

RERD Phase 2
> Mozambique show map hide map

Project summary

In line with the existing RERD project promoting rural development by providing access to energy, the RERD II project, Renewable Energy for Rural Development - phase 2) in Mozambique continues to focus on provision of energy services from renewable sources (mainly hydro and solar energy) in rural areas.

In addition to investing in new generating capacity and connections, particular attention will be given to operation and maintenance of the installations and to the financial sustainability of existing and new systems.

Code MOZ1503411
Start date 16 March 2018
End date 16 December 2025
Stage Ongoing
Donor Belgium
Sector 14010 Water sector policy and administrative management
Budget 22 000 000.00 €

General objective

To promote rural development by providing access to energy

Specific objective

A - Increased access to hydro, solar and wind energy for use in off-grid applications in rural areas


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