Capacity Development of the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME) and Energy Regulatory Authority (ARENE)


Project summary

The project for institutional and organizational strengthening and capacity development is meant to create enabling conditions for the energy sector to plan, manage, implement and monitor all sector activities including the ones funded by development partners such as the Kingdom of Belgium from 2013 and onwards as foreseen in the ICP 2013-2017.

Code MOZ1403011
Start date 19 April 2017
End date 18 April 2023
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 23111 Energy sector policy, planning and administration
Budget 4 165 708.00 €

General objective

The development of the energy sector is enhanced in order to power the socioeconomic development of the country and to contribute to the welfare of its people.

Specific objective

A - The performance of MIREME and ARENE in advancing access to renewable electricity in rural areas is enhanced


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