African-European Digital Innovation Bridge Network - MAR

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Project summary

AEDIHB aims to build on the experience of European DIHs, and adapt the approach to the African context in order to facilitate synergies and collaboration potential. This includes developing and strengthening key infrastructure such as a Pan-African network of DIHs, as well as building strategic cooperation mechanisms and facilitating bridging activities on technical capacity building and technology transfer between African and European innovators and startups, private sector actors, academia, local governments and investors. In addition, AEDIHB will foster the development of an enabling environment that is reinforced by conducive local policies. The African consortium partners are the cornerstones of the African digital innovation ecosystem and have the strength of bringing together relevant policymakers (Smart Africa, i4policy), supporting innovators and start-ups in Innovation Hubs (AfriLabs, Digital Africa) and investors (ABAN, VC4A). Their expertise is core to successfully building networks on the continent and beyond. The European consortium partners contribute experience in fostering innovation, entrepreneurship and investment, as well as the establishment of and networking between DIHs (FundingBox, Steinbeis, EBN, EBAN, Civitta). Thereby, in the scope of AEDIHB, these partners ensure full access to the European innovation ecosystem, DIHs and experience of the efforts made by the EU in the past.

Code BEL2000811SP3
Start date 1 February 2021
End date 31 January 2024
Stage Closed
Donor European Union
Sector 25010 Business support services and institutions
Budget 322 800.00 €

General objective

to enhance African-European cooperation and strategic partnerships to support the strengthening of existing digital innovation ecosystems and to facilitate EU-Africa collaboration on research and innovation in the digital economy and society for sustainable development.

Specific objective

A - S.O 1: Gaps and needs of the ecosystem players in Africa are mapped and policy frameworks developed (Lead: Expertise France)
B - S.O 2: A Digital and Entrepreneurship Skills (DES) Academy is established for marginalised groups (Lead: ENABEL)
C - S.O 3: A marketplace for digital innovation in Africa is created (Lead: GIZ)
D - S.O 4: Transcontinental cooperation of innovators and DIHs are facilitated (Lead: EBN)
E - S.O 5: Results are disseminated and exploited to maximise the impact of the project (Lead: SEZ)


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