Water Users Association Support Programme in Machakos, Makueni and Kaijado Districts (WUASP)


Project summary

Water Users Association Support Programme in Machakos, Makueni and Kaijado Districts (WUASP)

Code KEN/01/003
Start date 13 December 2001
End date 13 December 2004
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 14081 Education and training in water supply and sanitation
Budget 1 829 950.00 €

General objective

Provision/Rehabilitation of Water Schemes

Specific objective

Programme Management in Capacity Building
Design (ExR05), Workshop (ExR06) & Programme Strategy (ExR07)
Pamphlets (ExR08), Workshops (DGCs) (ExR09) & Community/Staff Training (ExR10-15)
Water Bill 2000/ Boards& Dissemination Workshops Workshops (ExR17-19)
Documentation of Training Needs & Outcomes (ExR20-23)
Distribution and explanation to Target Groups on NWP and Water Bill 2000 (ExR01)
Revision, Improvement of Documents, Modules & Basic financial Mgt.(ExR02-04)
Revision, Improvement and Development on sanitation and conservation of W/S & financial oprtions.(ExR05-06)
Monitoring and Evaluation
Establishments (ExR01), Work plans (ExR02) & OVIs Workshops (ExR03)
Quarterly field visits (ExR04), Quartely DGCs Meetings (ExR05),Quartely DWTs,DCGs & WUAs meetings (ExR06/07)
DCGs visits (ExR08), WUAs progress reports(ExR09) & training dissemination (ExR10)
Mid-term and end term review by external evaluation mission (ExR11)
Alternative Water Schemes Management Options
Dev. Workshops (ExR01), up- scalling (ExR02) & consultative meetings (ExR03)
WUAs formation (ExR04), Instal of Water systems (ExR05),Jump -Starting (ExR06) & Dissemination (ExR07)
Sustainable Financial Management
Signing of the MOUs (ExR01) & WUAs finanncial Structure (ExR02) Financial Options (ExR03). Assistance to WUAs(ExR04) & D
Preparation of TOR, KAP (Exr01) , Awareness campaign (ExR02) & MCH , Schools hygiene (ExR03)
Sanitation by-laws (ExR04) & demonstration of improved sanitation facilities (ExR05)
Workshops (ExR01) Awareness (ExR02) & Contribution on Water resources Conservation (ExR03)
By-laws (ExR04) & Sub- umbrella committee(ExR05) & Conflict resolution (ExR06)
Dissemination (ExR01) & Case Study for successful models (ExR02)
Dissemination (ExR03), Study tours (ExR04) & Training (ExR05)
Programme Management
Salary of Staff & Allowances
Purchase of Capital Equipments
Training Equipments
Functioning of Vehicles & Motor Cycles
Office Running expenses
Staff Training & Scholarships
Financial charges


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