EU Expert Facility on Employment, Labour and Social Protection (SOCIEUX+)


Project summary

SOCIEUX+ is a European technical assistance facility providing partner countries of the EU easy access to short-term Member State public expertise. The assistance facility is conceived to support partner countries to better design and manage labour, employment and social protection policies.
The facility is implemented by a partnership led by Expertise France and including FIIAPP, BELINCOSOC and Enabel. It is jointly funded by the EU (7.2 million €), Expertise France (1.019 million €), FIIAPP (0.086 million €) and BELINCOSOC (0.488 million €). Enabel will contribute to the identification of Belgian expertise.

Code BEL160621T
Start date 05 September 2016
End date 30 September 2020
Stage Closed
Donor European Union
Sector 16010 Social/welfare services
Budget Not available

General objective

The overall objective of the action is to expand and improve access to better employment opportunities and inclusive social protection systems in partner countries

Specific objective

The specific objective is to enhance the capacities of EU partner countries to better design, manage and monitor inclusive, effective and sustainable employment strategies and social protection systems through peer-to-peer short term technical assistance and knowledge management.


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