Environment Component of EU Support Programme to the SAGCOT Initiative (Southern Agriculture Growth Corridor of Tanzania) into the Kilombero and Lower Rufiji Wetlands Eco-system Management Project


Project summary

Environment Component of EU Support Programme to the SAGCOT Initiative (Southern Agriculture Growth Corridor of Tanzania) into the Kilombero and Lower Rufiji Wetlands Eco-system Management Project whose objective is to deliver rapid & sustainable agricultural growth, with benefits for food security, poverty reduction and reduced vulnerability to climate change
! Attention: entry into force, implementation period and period of execution started at the date of the Delegatee body's request: 27/02/2013 !

Code TAN120281T
Start date 27 February 2013
End date 27 September 2018
Stage Closed
Donor European Union
Sector 31120 Agricultural development
Budget Not available

General objective

As an overall outcome the EU investment will contribute to the general objective of the KILORWEMP: to sustainably manage the wetlands Ecosystem of the Kilombero Valley and Lower Rufiji so that its ecological balance is conserved, the local communities’ livelihoods are improved and economic development is sustained.

Specific objective

Through pooling of resources available for implementation of Environment component of the EU support to the SAGCOT initiative, it will directly contribute to the achievement of KILORWEMP’s specific objective defined as: strengthened capacities to implement the sustainable management policy and regulations to the Wetlands Ecosystem of the Kilombero Valley and Lower Rufiji, fostering sustainable livelihoods development and more effective natural resources governance within the decentralization framework.
This envisaged outcome will empower communities and their representatives in local government structures to mitigate the potential negative effects of improved road access and commercialization of agricultural production and processing facilities in the Kilombero Valley.


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