Building Academic Partnerships for Economic Development

South Africa

Project summary

The programme aims at strengthening the academic institutions in South Africa and fostering academic partnerships between South Africa and Belgium in a limited number of priority sectors that are key for South African economic development. Sectors such as ICT (incl. TVET), health (biostatistics) and the maritime sector have already been identified. The primary Beneficiary Institutions are the SA Departments of Higher Education and Training (DHET), Science and Technology (DST), the SA Medical Research Council (SAMRC), TETA, Transnet, and the Belgium Campus. The scholarships are primarily – but not exclusively - intended for institutional strengthening through accelerated Masters and PhDs, supplying the economic sectors through the training of professional Bachelors, national and international exchanges, short term trainings and knowledge sharing activities such as seminars, study tours, exchange visits, etc.

Code SAF1688811
Start date 15 December 2016
End date 15 July 2019
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 43081 Multisector education/training
Budget 1 500 000.00 €

General objective

The general objective is to contribute to the economic development of South Africa through the establishment of a network between South African and Belgian academic institutions.

Specific objective

A - Foundations for long-standing partnerships between South-African and Belgian institutions aimed at improving business oriented skills development, training and research are builtin a limited number of priority areas.


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