Support to the Public Administrative Reform Programme in Can Tho Province


Project summary

This project aims at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the public administration in order to promote sustainable growth and welfare of the people of Vietnam. The project will assist Can Tho People's Committee in the implementation of the (Public Administration Reform) PAR through the following components:

Code VIE/00/009
Start date 20 December 2001
End date 30 June 2007
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 15112 Decentralisation and support to subnational government
Budget 1 515 513.00 €

General objective

improve effectiveness and efficiency of the Public Administratino

Specific objective

General Means
Improve and strenghthen the capacity of Can Tho City and Hau Giang Province PAR Steering Committee, Office of Administration and the Provincial Committee of Organization and Personnel to plan, coordinate, spearhead and monitor the implementation of the Public Administration Reform Programme.
Improve the organizational management structures and procedures for rural development planning in selected provincial departments and one pilo district
Strengthening HRM in a selected number of departments and one pilot disctrict
Activities relating to all parts. - New part
Enhanced capacity to apprehend public sevice delivery in a market economy
DOHA staff trained in organizational management
DOHA staff equipped with TNA skills
PAR programme for Can Tho City produced and implemented - New Interim Result
OSS model developed and replicated in 2 communes and 1 district - New Interim Result
Model for the reorganisation of public service delivery in City Depts. - New Interim Result
Staff of reorganised depts. been trained in their new roles & responsibilities. - New Interim Result
City PAR Steering Committee trained in top leadership
Subproject 4: Improve and strengthen the capacity of Can Tho City OPC in making long-term work plans - New interim result
Subproject 5: Renovated procedure and process of bussiness licensing and after licensing management to domestic entreprises and foreign invested enterprises at DPI in Can Tho City in order to enhance the effectiveness of public service delivery - New Interim Result
Subproject 8: Strenghten the capacity of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in order to improve the planning of agricultural branch in Can Tho City - New Interim Result
Subproject 9: Strenghten the capacity of Can Tho City Department of Finance in order to improve the budgeting, granting management and budget balance in accordance with the new mechanism at provincial level by 2005 - New Interim Result
Concerned department oriented on PAR and provided with organizational and management tools
Redefined roles and department restructured
Rural development planning and budgeting systems are tested
Computerization based on TNA
Staff of Pilot com., dist. + prov. trained in new roles & responsibilities. New Inerim Result
Subproject 6: Strenghtening the capacity of Phung Hiep District. PC in administrative service delivery through One Stop Shop Model - New Interim Result
Subproject 7: Stenghtening the capacity of the Hiep Hung Commune PC in administrative service delivery through One Stop Shop Model -New Interim Result
TNA undertaken for selected dept.
Key staff trained based on TNA results
Model developped for training evaluation
Training strategy implemented. New Interim Result
Cross sectorial activities implemented


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