Support to Distance Learning of Basic Education Teachers in Five Disadvantaged Provinces of Vietnam

Distance Learning

Project summary

Support to Distance Learning of Basic Education Teachers in Five Disadvantaged Provinces of Vietnam

Code VIE/00/004
Start date 04 September 1996
End date 31 October 2000
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 11220 Primary education
Budget Not available

General objective

The quality of primary teaching is improved.

Specific objective

The qualfication of teachers of disadvataged schools of the involved provinces is improved.
The main actors of the project is operational.
The beneficiaries are operational.
The infratructure for the production and reproduction of teaching documents and communications is operational.
Une documentation appropriée est rendue disponsible aux personnes individuelles concernées.
Les enseignants ont assimilé les documents pédagogiques et les communications.
Les activités du projet sont évaluées périodiquement durant toute la périod d'existence du projet.


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