Financed by | Rwanda |
Stage | Ongoing |
Sector | 41030 Bio-diversity |
Start date | 12 September 2022 |
End date | 31 December 2027 |
Budget | 2 246 419.00 € |
Code | RWA22001 |
Short name | COMBIO |
The COMBIO project, Community-based biodiversity conservation, main objective is to reduce vulnerability to climate change in the Eastern Province of Rwanda. It contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation through enhanced community based biodiversity restoration and conservation.
The project will be aligned and complementary to the TREPAM-GCF project. TREPAM stands for Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation and Mitigation and it focuses on creating biodiversity interconnections between the various ecosystems and landscapes of the whole Eastern Province.
Its specific outcomes are (1) Restored, enhanced, and protected biodiversity for increased climate resilience in productive and protective landscapes, (2) Improved livelihood of community through biodiversity-based enterprises and developed value chains and (3) Strengthened and coordinated community based knowledge and National monitoring systems for biodiversity conservation.
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