Institutional Strengthening of the Strategic Planning Process 2 (MINECOFIN 2)


Project summary

It is the intention to move towards a SWAp-arrangement in which all external support to MINECOFIN is aligned to its Strategic Development Plan. The General and Specific objective mentioned above will therefore determine which objectives and outputs in the Strategic Development Plan will be supported by the Project. The BTC Project will contribute to Programme 1 as defined in the Strategic Development Plan:

Code RWA0604511
Start date 14 December 2006
End date 14 December 2009
Stage Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 15110 Public sector policy and administrative management
Budget 842 677.10 €

General objective

Long-term strategic choices are better addressed and prioritized

Specific objective

Strategic planning & capacity at sectoral and local levels reinforced with improved coordination of planning activities at national level.
Planning dimension of public sector spending better handled by public authorities at national and local level.


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