Climate-Smart Development in Mozambique: Using Renewable Energy for Sustainable Access to Safe and Affordable Drinking Water in Gaza Province


Project summary

Enabel proposes a wider reaching and crosscutting project aimed at climate-smart access to safe and affordable drinking water for vulnerable populations in Gaza Province - Mozambique through the combination of renewable energy, desalination where required, empowerment of communities and involvement of local economic stakeholders in the establishment, management and operation of water supply net-works. The vulnerability of the selected communities to climate change due to their low-lying topography, lack of general infrastructures, and prolonged droughts as well as occasional floods is exacerbated by the increased pressure on natural resources due to the recent resettlement of people displaced by previous floods in 2000 and 2013. The complexity of these factors compelled Enabel to opt for an innovative systemic approach to improve climate-resilient access to water and sanitation with climate co-benefits by investing in climate adaptation as well as mitigation.

Code MOZ19001
Start date 01 May 2019
End date 28 February 2022
Stage Closed
Donor Flanders
Sector 14020 Water supply and sanitation - large systems
Budget 909 090.91 €

General objective

To contribute to climate resilient social and economic development of vulnerable populations in Gaza Province.

Specific objective

A - Improve sustainable access to safe and affordable drinking water through a systemic approach encompassing renewable energy, healthy living, empowerment of communities and local economic stakeholders


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