Assistance technique dans le cadre du programme 'Renforcement du système judiciaire palestinien' Partie II

Seyada II

Project summary

Consortium consisting of ICON?INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH (ICON),
Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC?CTB) and Center for International Legal
Cooperation (CILC)
The process to develop a Palestinian judicial system capable of responding to the demands of the Palestinian people and guaranteeing the basic principles of the rule of law already started by the Oslo Agreement of 1993. Since then, reinforcing the judiciary has been one of the major objectives of the Palestinian National Authority (hereinafter PNA), but has met considerable difficulties.

Code PZA090251T
Start date 12 August 2009
End date 12 August 2012
Stage Closed
Donor European Union
Sector 15210 Security system management and reform
Budget 274 700.00 €

General objective

The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows:
To develop a more independent, impartial, efficient professional, transparent and modern justice system through institutional strengthening and capacity building of the judiciary and the bar association, and to support the proper functioning of the courts, while preserving the freedoms and fundamental rights of citizens by ensuring a fair trial, including the right to access to justice and the right to defence.

Specific objective

In order to achieve the main objective of the programme, five sets of specific purposes of the programme are proposed, relating to the five components in which the programme is structured: Institution Building with special focus on the High Judicial Council, Palestinian Judicial Institute, Bar Association, Legal Aid, and Constitutional Court.


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