Palestinian Youth Empowerment Programme

> Palestina

In Palestine, launch of the EU-funded Youth Economic Empowerment Project !

  • The launching of the EU-funded Youth Economic Empowerment Project

From 2022 to 2024, Enabel will implement the "Youth Economic Empowerment Project in Palestine (YEP)", as part of the European Union’s larger program on Youth Empowerment. The 5 million euro project aims to enhance Palestinian young people's employability and economic empowerment” through the 2 specific objectives: SO1: Young women and men are better equipped to access inclusive and decent employment opportunities, and SO2: The resilience of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is enhanced. 

In the frame of the project and the European Year of the Youth, a launching event was organised on March 17th.  Enabel, together with EU, UNFPA and Sharek Youth Forum organised a day of inspiring activities for young Palestinians in the Youth Village in Kufr Nimeh near Ramallah, including a stand-up comedy and traditional music performance. The event was attended by Palestinian Authority officials, representatives of civil society organisations and the international community.

Christelle Jocquet, Resident Representative of Enabel in Palestine, shared her view on the program: “Enabel is happy to be part of this important initiative to Empower Palestinian youth, including young women, to become active citizens with better socio-economic opportunities by providing them with skills and entrepreneurial mindset necessary to find sustainable employment and promote the engagement of youth as future leaders in the society. We believe that partnering with the EU and other local and international organizations is key to maximising results.”

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