Palestinian Youth Empowerment Programme


Palestinian Youth Empowerment Programme
Gefinancierd door European Union
Fase In uitvoering
Sector 11330 Vocational training
Startdatum 1 januari 2021
Einddatum 31 december 2026
Budget 4 672 897.00 €
Code PSE21002
Afgekorte naam YEP


The YEP project, Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine aims to address the lack of economic prospects for Palestinian youths, including vulnerable youth and young women, by empowering them to access decent employment opportunities.

The project is part of the larger Palestinian Youth Empowerment Programme, funded by the EU Neighbourhood Instrument and to be implemented through complementary projects led by UNFPA, Sharek Youth Forum in partnership with the Centre for Youth Economic Empowerment, and Enabel in Palestine. The overall Objective of the Palestinian Youth Empowerment Programme is to improve Palestinian youth’s contribution to economic, social and public life.


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