Improve Secondary Teachers Education in the National Teachers' Colleges (NTCs)

> Oeganda

Belgium and Uganda Teacher Exchange Programme

Anne-Françoise, Céline, Camille and Rémi are teacher trainers from Belgium. With Hélène Defourny, who works for the global citizenship education programme of Annoncer la Couleur, they set out on Friday 6 March 2020 to meet fellow trainers in Uganda.

They have been preparing this meeting for many months and discussed their views on global citizenship education. They also picked a topic of choice: gender.The Belgian trainers have been hosted for a full week by their Ugandan peers, attended classes and even teached course material that they have prepared together. A week to meet, to train in global citizenship education, to discuss the theme of gender and its realities in both contexts. But above all, one week to co-construct by Belgian-Ugandan pairs a pedagogical device that addresses gender issues and to teach it together in front of a class of future teachers. Next October, the Ugandan peers – Alice, Abdul-Majid, Daniel, Lameca Ndiwalana, Monica-Joséphine and Medad – will in turn visit Belgium.This is part of a programme to share views and work together for several months. The programme is run in collaboration with Enabel's TTE project in Uganda. 

This project has 5 main objectives:

  1. Bring together teacher trainers to share practices on how to train future teachers (internships, micro teaching, model lessons, active teaching and use of ICT).
  2. Share ideas on how to mainstream global citizenship education in the training of future teachers (interdependence, inclusion, gender...).
  3. Co-create a global citizenship education teaching kit that can be used in both countries.
  4. Test and show that global citizenship education is as relevant in Belgium as it is in Uganda.
  5. Capitalise on the added value created by this type of experience and capitalise on the impact this may have on initial teacher training curricula.

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