Transformation towards sustainable food systems


Korte inhoud project

The KWIHAZA project, Transformation towards sustainable food systems is a four-year initiative (2023-2026) focused on advancing Rwanda's aquaculture, fisheries, and horticulture value chains. It contributes to the transition towards socially and environmentally inclusive food systems with the development of the value chains in the aquaculture, fishery and horticultural sectors, with a focus on women and youth. It seeks to unlock sector potential, addressing challenges while boosting sustainable productivity and competitiveness.

Code RWA20001
Startdatum 15 December 2022
Einddatum 31 December 2026
Fase Execution
Donor European Union
Sector 31161 Food crop production
Budget 10 000 000.00 €

Algemene doelstelling

To contribute to the transition towards socially and environmentally inclusive food systems with the development of the value chains in the aquaculture, fishery and horticultural sectors

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - To increase in a sustainable way the production, per capita consumption and income generated by fish, aquaculture and horticulture quality products, with a focus on women and youth


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