Education Program in Uganda

PMU Education

Korte inhoud project

The Education Programme consists of 2 components : a TTE and a TVET component. (This Navision code allows for a specific cost center for PMU expenses)

Code UGA1603411
Startdatum 01 October 2016
Einddatum 01 October 2020
Fase Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 11120 Education facilities and training
Budget 300 800.00 €

Algemene doelstelling

The general objective of the TTE component is to contribute to the increase of quality of and equity in access, to post-primary education and training level, as part of Universal Post-Primary Education and Training (UPPET).The general objective of the TVET component is : The employability of youth is increased through better quality of instruction and learning in Skills Development

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - Budget PMU - Education


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