Water supply and management contributing to food security in Gaza province


Korte inhoud project

BTC will take care of all aspects of water supply (infrastructure, management and maintenance of water resources). This will contribute to improved access to drinking water, relieve the workload of women to collect water, reduce the distance between, the places of pasture and watering. BTC can also contribute to natural resource management and institutional strengthening concerning the capacity for planning en monitoring of water resources.

Code MOZ1102411
Startdatum 19 June 2013
Einddatum 18 June 2019
Fase Closed
Donor Belgium
Sector 52010 Food aid/Food security programmes
Budget 9 000 000.00 €

Algemene doelstelling

de voedselzekerheid is verbeterd voor de meest kwetsbare bevolking van zeven districten in de provincies Gaza en Manica

Specifieke doelstellingen

A - Increase sustainable access to and control over water supply and sanitation
B - Increase sustainable access to and control over water supply and sanitation


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