Schools Construction, Rehabilitation and Equipment in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - PHASE IV

Schools IV
> Palestina

Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Palestinian schools

  • Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Palestinian schools

The Belgian Consulate organized events in Palestinian schools to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; together with partner organizations.

OHCHR went to Khan Younis, Gaza, to work with a class of girls at the UNRWA Al-Amal school around their ideas about and experiences with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A lively moment filled with discussions, poems, dances and songs.

At the Khadeja primary boys school (Hebron H2), NRC and the Consulate General of Belgium met with Palestinian children to discuss human rights. Mohammed (* alias name) described how he was detained by soldiers on his way to school, and wet himself out of fear. Since then, Mohammed is showing signs of withdrawal and learning difficulties. Together with the students, they talked about the right to education and a safe learning environment. 

At Sharek Youth Forum in Ramallah, UNFPA Palestine, the Consulate General of Belgium and Palestinian youth discussed the right to education, the right to marry and the right to a nationality. 

Unicef's Deputy Special Representative, Ms. Etona Ekole, and the Consulate General of Belgium discussed human rights with children of a school near Bethlehem, such as the right to education, as outlined in the UDHR. 

Terre Des Hommes went to Zayyam in East-Jerusalem to work with students to express their ideas about human rights in a play, paintings and songs.

Later, students of the schools also had the opportunity to talk about their experiences at the Belgian Residence.

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