Improving the training of secondary teachers in National Teachers' College KALIRO

NTC Kaliro
> Oeganda

Enabel Extends Supports to National Teachers' Colleges

  • Enabel Extends Support to National Teachers' Colleges

While so many organisations and actors work to support the education sector in Uganda, Enabel takes a rather unique approach by focusing on teachers in the National Teachers’ Colleges. This is with a firm belief that the quality of teachers has a direct impact on the quality of education.

National Teachers’ Colleges (NTCs) work with one common goal; to train and produce the best teachers in Uganda. Positioned across the country in Kabale, Kaliro, Mubende, Muni and Unyama, these colleges attract a large number of students hoping to join the teaching profession and become proficient teachers within country. 

However, just like many of the institutions within the education sector, these Colleges face quite a number of challenges that limit their ability to produce skilled teachers and these challenges range from limited resources, insufficient teaching staff to inadequate facilities.

In order to create progressive impact within the education sector, Enabel is striving to empower teachers so that they in turn can carry the mantle of providing quality education for all.  Under the Teacher Training Education (TTE) project, Enabel in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Sports has transformed the quality of teaching and learning by strengthening the skills of teaching staff on learner centred methodologies and supporting the development of user-friendly libraries. To encourage the use of Information and Communication Technologies, teaching facilities were furnished with ICT equipment such as computers, laptops, tablets, printers and projectors to improve the teaching and learning experience.

While providing better teaching methods is a step towards improving the overall quality of education and one way of empowering teachers, the project has made substantial investment on infrastructure development. Over 263 teachers and 4,445 student teachers stand to benefit from the infrastructural developments that are aimed at creating sustainable and safe learning environments such as classrooms, laboratories and accommodation facilities.

Amongst the most recent endeavours, is the award of new grant worth UGX 107,070,000/= million shillings to the National Teachers’ Colleges for the financial year 2018/19. This grant is intended to be used by the Colleges to strengthen their management systems and improve service delivery.

Through these contributions, Enabel hopes to improve on teacher effectiveness and ensure that teachers are motivated, empowered and have the adequate learning aids and materials for effective teaching and learning.

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