Enhancing Capacities for institution building project

> Palestina

International Girls in ICT Day

  • International Girls in ICT Day

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) drive growth and innovation worldwide, infiltrating all aspects of our lives. Ongoing evolutions in ICTs effectively make digital literacy a prerequisite for employment and entrepreneurship. Studies show that not enough young people are choosing careers in ICT - especially not enough young women. Expanding the global technology talent pool to include more women with ICT skills can help fill this gap. This means investing in girls and young women today.

International Girls in ICT Day
, an initiative backed by all ITU Member States in ITU Plenipotentiary Resolution 70 (Rev. Busan, 2014), aims to create a global environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women to consider careers in the growing field of ICTs, enabling both girls and technology companies to reap the benefits of greater female participation in the ICT sector.  

Enabel supports this initiative to encourage gender mainstreaming in the ICT sector and in the related TVET (Technical and Vocational Training) courses. “Enabel participates in this event through the ECIB program, which focuses heavily on promoting the participation of girls in TVET, specifically in the non-traditional professions like ICT. This event is an ideal opportunity to introduce girls to the ICT sector and to encourage them to participate in and join vocational and technical education in ICT.” said Mrs. Haneen Abu Nahla. Enabel Gaza Program Manager.

On Monday the 30th of April,Young women in Gaza joined other (ITU) members states in celebrating the International Girls in ICT Day at the University College of Applied Science. High school students and representatives from CSOs, CBOs, Colleges and universities all joined the event that was exclusively held for girls and young women. Next to promoting ICT careers, the event also aimed at encouraging girls in high schools to build innovative projects in ICT and to extend their knowledge about the locally available ICT jobs and opportunities.

During the opening speeches, the president of UCAS, Dr. Rifat Rustom, motivated women to
consider the countless possibilities and benefits of careers in ICT. He stated: “Girls with ICT skills will never be out of work. They will earn salaries that put them on par with the highest paid professionals like lawyers or doctors. What we see from studies and research confirms that the coming years will witness a radical change in the of ICT, so we have harnessed all our potential to keep up with these changes …”. He also stated a warm gratitude for Enabel, UN Women and UN-Habitat for their contribution, which played a significant role in the success of this event.

After Dr. Rustom’s speech, the Deputy Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Eng. Suhail Madoukh spoke about the Ministry’s commitment to the cause of promoting and encouraging girls and young women to pursue career paths in ICT. He went on to mention that it is critically important to stay competent in such fields as its rapidly evolving and serves all other fields including health and education.

Ms. Amira Haroun– Deputy minister of Women Affairs 
took a part as well, through her word she emphasized the importance of this sector as being a crossing-boarder sector that can play a vital role in reducing the high unemployment rate in the Gaza strip by giving young women the opportunity to take the lead and be creative.

The opening remarks were concluded by a video statement from Ms. Rawda Al Ameer Ali – Arab Delegate of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). She stated that it is important for girls to start thinking about switching from being technology consumers to becoming creators and innovators. She also shed the light on the importance of this event in encouraging girls to consider careers in ICT.

The next activity included the announcement of five winners who have participated in the public tech information competition which was launched one month before. Girls in high schools, colleges, universities, Institutions and technology incubators and were honored. Three winners of them were from Abd Al Moati Alrayis Vocational school.  

After a round of applause and before the coffee break, the Technological exhibition was opened, where female participants from the 8th, 9th, 10th grade and Vocational schools (Abd Al Moati Alrayis and Mostafa Al Rafie Secondary School For Deaf) had the chance to get familiar with different specialities in ICT including graphic design and smartphone application development. They also had the opportunity to express their views, opinions and ask questions.  

Later that day, several women role models and entrepreneurs from the country’s ICT sector gave motivational talks to students on the growing and rewarding careers in ICT in the Gaza Strip, equipping them with the necessary skills to help them overcome the obstacles and pursue their dreams. Everyone agreed that encouraging women and girls to pursue ICT careers also creates a more dynamic technology sector, offering extensive benefits to companies, and that a more gender-balanced workforce reflects the customer base more accurately, enhances productivity and innovation and leads to better financial results.  

The last activity included a workshop to test the general tech knowledge of college and high school students in order to increase the potential and social awareness about many positions in the sector. The participants were split up into several groups to ask questions, brainstorm and identify problems and issues that were preventing females from pursuing ICT as a career path. The group that came up with the best outcome was honored.

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