Enhancing Capacities for institution building project

> Palestina

Global Entrepreneurship week in Palestine

  • Global Entrepreneurship week in Palestine

Islamic Relief Palestine and the Belgian Development Agency organized an advocacy event named “To be the change… Towards Entrepreneurship”, in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) and the Ministry of Labor (MoL).

The event aimed at providing a group of TVET students and graduates with the needed entrepreneurial competencies and to enable them to advocate to decision makers to integrate an entrepreneurial culture in the TVET system.

The 2 day entrepreneurship workshop taught the students and graduates more about the concept of entrepreneurship and it made them aware about the importance of entrepreneurship in TVET, as a promising road to employment.

The workshop resulted in 4 initiatives, focusing on four critical issues and proposals to integrate entrepreneurship in the TVET system, which were designed and presented by the 24 participants.

The four initiatives will be used as advocacy initiatives towards the MoEHE and the MoL to ensure their commitment towards adopting an entrepreneurial culture in the TVET system.

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