Local office United Republic of Tanzania

> Tanzania

Enabel celebates 40 years of collaboration with Tanzania

  • Celebrating 40 Years of Belgium-Tanzanisa Bilateral Cooperation and 25 Years of Enabel in Tanzania
    •  Enabel celebates 40 years of collaboration wth Tanzania
    •  Enabel celebates 40 years of collaboration wth Tanzania
    •  Enabel celebates 40 years of collaboration wth Tanzania

On May 16, 2024, Enabel's office in Dar es Salaam buzzed with excitement as we celebrated three monumental milestones: 40 years of bilateral cooperation between Tanzania and Belgium, 25 years of Enabel's impactful presence in Tanzania, and the inauguration of the new Representation office in Dar es Salaam.
This event marked not only our enduring partnership but also underscored our shared commitment to driving sustainable development and improving livelihoods across the country.

The event started with a warm welcome from Enabel’s Country Director, Koenraad Goekint, who highlighted the significance of the occasion and Belgium’s enduring partnership with Tanzania. Following this, His Excellency Peter Huyghebaert, Belgian Ambassador to Tanzania, reaffirmed Belgium's unwavering commitment to supporting Tanzania's development priorities, emphasizing that Belgium’s cooperation programs aim to address socio-economic inequalities, climate change, and urbanization.  

Belgium and Tanzania established diplomatic relations four decades ago, focusing on shared challenges and opportunities for mutual growth. Ambassador Huyghebaert recounted key areas of cooperation over the years, including transport, health, education, water and sanitation, agriculture, natural resource management, and public finance management. He particularly noted Belgium's significant role in revamping Tanzania's rail network in the 1980s and supporting the port sector from the onset of bilateral relations.

For a quarter of a century, Enabel has been deeply involved in Tanzania, addressing critical issues and promoting sustainable development across the country. Our initiatives have spanned various sectors, including natural resources management, local governance, value chain development, and infrastructure enhancement. Our commitment to value chain development has played a pivotal role in driving economic growth and improving livelihoods in the country. Through targeted interventions, we have supported farmers and entrepreneurs to enhance productivity, access markets, and increase their incomes.  

During his address, Koenraad Goekint emphasized Enabel’s dedication to creating gender-balanced environments for youth and entrepreneurs through collaboration with stakeholders for vocational training and entrepreneurship opportunities. He highlighted the launch of a new five-year bilateral program aimed at empowering young people, particularly girls, in Kigoma through education and skills development. Furthermore, he touched on projects like the Water and Sanitation Kigoma Region Project (WASKIRP) and the Sustainable Agriculture Kigoma Regional Project (SAKIRP), which have significantly transformed communities by improving access to clean water and sanitation and strengthening agricultural value chains.

Ambassador John Ulanga, Director of International Trade and Economic Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation expressed gratitude for Enabel's efforts to support the country towards sustainable and inclusive development. He emphasized the importance of maintaining bilateral ties to utilize opportunities in various areas, including investment and trade, to further promote development.

As part of our achievements over the past decades, we showcased a new chapter in Enabel's journey—the opening of our vibrant and dynamic office space in Dar es Salaam where we collaborated with local artists to create a living exhibition within the walls of Enabel. This new space symbolizes our unwavering commitment to Tanzania and our determination to continue making a positive impact in the years to come. With our collaborative atmosphere, this space serves as a hub for innovation, creativity, and partnership.

In closing, Koenraad Goekint extended a warm invitation to all attendees to explore our new space, engage in enriching discussions, and cultivate new connections that will drive our collective mission forward. "To my esteemed colleagues, I envision this office as a sanctuary of inspiration and empowerment, where ideas blossom and aspirations soar. Karibuni sana, Ahsanteni," he concluded.

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