Skills and Attitude (S&A), Governance and Anti-corruption (G&A), Covid19 Response (C19)

> Oeganda

Aijuka attracts more clients to IT firm in Uganda

  • Aijuka attracts more clients to IT firm in Uganda

Stephen Aijuka, 29, graduated in 2021, from Kabale University. Studying procurement and logistics did not stop Aijuka from becoming a marketer. In November last year, he got the opportunity to be enrolled on the Enabel – Private Sector Foundation Uganda Work Readiness programme. He was attached to the business development department at Ahuriire Uganda Limited where he was working as a business development personnel.

Two weeks into his new job, he applied to be part of the Work Readiness programme. He was exposed to a variety of skills including work ethics, communication and teamwork. Although he had studied marketing at university, it was more of theory. However, the training introduced him to the practical side of his career. Teamwork!

“I was introduced to online marketing. I’m here but I get orders for my products online.” he says. 

Aijuka markets his products like honey online. He says the communication skills he acquired during the training have helped him to learn how to express himself in front of clients. He has so far been able to get business from various companies due to improved communication skills. A big number of organisations have also promised business. Besides his formal job, Aijuka practices bee keeping and goat rearing. He markets them online. 

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