Kilombero and Lower Rufiji Wetlands Ecosystem Management Project

> Tanzania

Workshop on the results of diagnostic studies in the Kilombero Valley

  • Workshop on the results of diagnostic studies in the Kilombero Valley

The Kilombero Valley is East Africa's largest wetland with a floodplain area of approximately 6,000 km2. In 2002 a significant part of the valley and parts of the surrounding areas was declared a Ramsar* site (7,900 km2). At the same time, a large part of the valley is designated as a Game Controlled Area (GCA) since 1974 (the boundaries of which were revised in 2011).

The KILORWEMP project supports the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and other stakeholders to confirm the boundary of the GCA, and to develop a dual management system for biodiversity and wetland management: a General Management Plan for the Kilombero Game Controlled Area (KGCA/GMP) and an Integrated Management Plan for the  Kilombero Valley Ramsar Site (KVRS/IMP). A team of specialists was hired to assist these tasks.

To support the management plans with hard data, the consultancy team carried out diagnostic studies on (1) land use, (2) fisheries resources, and (3) pastoralism. The findings were presented last 31st of January, during a stakeholders workshop in Morogoro. Participants discussed the findings of the diagnostic studies and looked for a way forward on how to manage the key natural resources in the most optimal way. A way that will ensure biodiversity conservation, while sustaining livelihoods of the surrounding communities.  

*For more information:

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