Urban Development in Rubavu, Musanze and Rwamagana

> Rwanda

Rwanda: Musanze Youth Centre aim to empower Young Generations

  • Musanze Youth Centre to empower Young Generations

Establishing a renovated youth centre in Musanze District would build a productive young generation as it will empower young people with various skills and knowledge which would guide them toward a self-reliance in diversity of professions.

Musanze, one of the Secondary Cities to the capital city of Kigali, is a fast-growing city that focusses its ambitious vision on Tourism, Urbanization, Education and skills among others.
In a kickoff meeting held in Musanze District on June 09th 2022, Enabel through its Urban Economic Development initiative (UEDi) together with its various stakeholders in the activity of scaling up the Musanze District youth center, launched the process of construction activities which will start by end June.

In this inception meeting, UEDi presented the site to BETRA Construction as a contractor who on the other side agreed to comply with terms and conditions in the implementation process of the construction activities which are due to last nine months.

The construction project, worth more than Rwf 1.5 Billion, aims at developing a promotion and talent center that will empower the community with employment opportunities in different disciplines of sports and culture. It is in long run plans of the district to make Musanze District attractive for domestic, regional and international championships and visibility.

This  youth empowerment center which will be set in Muhoza sector, will have Fabrication lab (known as Fab lab) which consists mainly of big machines, Knowledge lab (known as k lab) which is mostly about ICT skills, Library where people can read quietly to increase their knowledge,
 Employment service rooms to help people mostly the youth get access to available jobs, recreation facilities, playgrounds (mini football, volleyball pitches) among others.

According to the newly approved National Youth Policy 2018-2024, Considering youth centres as an effective development facility to young generations, Enabel has so far supported eight youth centers, including seven renovated and equipped by Barame intervention in its seven supported districts, (one in Gakenke, one in Gisagara, one in Karongi, one in Nyamasheke, two in Nyarugenge – Kimisagara and Nyamirambo, one in Rulindo and one in Rusizi) as well as the renovation of this upcoming youth friendly centre planned in Musanze District.   

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