Local Government Reform and Development Programme - Phase II

> Palestina

Launching of Ministry of Local Government online Budget System

  • Launching of Ministry of Local Government online Budget System

Enabel and the Ministry of Local Government (MoLG) celebrated the “Budgeting online Portal System” launching. The System will serve both the Ministry of Local government and the Local Government Units (LGUs) by submitting their budgets to the Ministry online.

The budgets will be reviewed by the budgeting department staff at the MoLG, and reports can be easily generated with accurate information and easy access.

Such support will benefit the MoLG sustainability, improve work quality, and digitalize its procedures and function. The online portal came as a result of Enabel’s efforts and previous interventions through the provision of an archiving and filing system, enhancing the servers, equipment supplies, and improving the Human Resource systems.

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