Support to the implementation of skilling uganda strategy

Skilling Uganda
> Oeganda

Uganda: Ugandan governement and Belgium commission shs. 8.5 billion in VTI infrastructure

  • Government, Belgium commission shs. 8.5 billion VTI infrastructure

Government has today commissioned shs. 8.5 billion infrastructure at Kasese Youth Polytechnic and St. Joseph’s Technical Institute Virika in Kabarole District.

The facilities commissioned by the Minister of State for Higher Education Dr. John Chrysostom Muyingo include fully furnished workshops, student’s accommodation and lavatories. Others are kitchens and solar powered water supply systems. The project also renovated dilapidated infrastructure.    

The two beneficiary institutions are part of 5 in the Albertine/Rwenzori region being upgraded to skills development centers of excellence under the Support to Skilling Uganda (SSU) project implemented by the Belgian development agency Enabel and the Ministry of Education and Sports.

Muyingo said the project is a demonstration of government’s commitment to the skilling of young people to enable them get employment or start their own businesses.
“The infrastructure and facilities constructed will provide a conducive environment for our learners,” he said. “The tools, equipment and furniture will enhance the quality of instruction.”

The Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Belgium Mr. Koen Van Acoleyn said that the project not only improved the quality of Technical, Vocational Education and Training delivery but also increased employability of graduates.

“In addition to physical infrastructure, equipment and furniture, there was a deliberate effort to build the capacity of instructors and managers; development and implementation of business plans,” Koen said.

The shs. 64 billion project funded by the Kingdom of Belgium provides similar support to three other institutions in the region namely; St. Simon Peter’s Vocational Training Centre and Millennium Business School in Hoima as well as Uganda Technical College – Kyema in Masindi. 

Government in 2012 developed the 10-year BTVET strategic plan called Skilling Uganda to address youth employability by enhancing the quality of skills and making training more responsive to the needs of the labour market.

Enabel with funding from Belgium and other partners supports the implementation of the strategy in the Albertine/Rwenzori, Karamoja and West Nile regions through the SSU project.  

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