Improve Secondary Teachers Education in the National Teachers' Colleges (NTCs)

> Oeganda

Uganda: Energy savings stoves installed in the National Teachers’ Colleges

 To play our part in conserving the environment, Enabel has installed energy-efficient wood-saving stoves in the National Teachers’ Colleges (NTCs).

Today, NTCs have reduced their need for firewood by over 50% (from 8 to 4 truckloads) per term resulting in a saving of UGX 7.2m (1,800 EUR) per college and an overall saving of UGX 28,800,000M (6,975 EUR) in the colleges. Wood-efficient stoves not only create a disease-free environment from the reduced smoke but also save on cooking time and conserve the environment by reducing deforestation.
Gerald Nuwagaba, a cook at National Teachers' College Mubende, shares his experience. 

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