Regeneration of Historic Centers in Local Government Units (RHC)

> Palestina

Inauguration of the rehabilitated multi-purpose building "Dar Jda" and the path connecting it with the “Lot Mosque” in Bani Na'im

  • Inauguration of the rehabilitated multi-purpose building

Recently the rehabilitated Dar Jda’ building and the road linking it to the “Lot Mosque”, in the old town of Bani Na’im, were officially inaugurated. The project was implemented by the Municipal Development and Lending fund (MDLF), with the support of the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel).

The inauguration ceremony was attended by Deputy of the Ministry of Local Government Mohamed Hassan Jabareen, Mrs. Danielle Haven - Consul General of Belgium in Palestine, Dr. Tawfiq Al-Budairy - Director General of MDLF, Mr. Rashid Awad - Director General of the Local Government of Hebron, Mr. Azzam Hjouj - Director General of Planning and Urban Planning and Mr. Ali Manasra - Mayor of Bani Naim.

In his speech Mr. Jabareen congratulated the people of Bani Na’im on the opening of the vital and important project that will improve the social, economic and cultural conditions in the town, bring life to the building and preserve historical heritage.

He also praised the great efforts of the Municipal Council in improving the quality of services provided to the citizens. He stressed the importance of community contribution in supporting and empowering the municipality to implement development projects that serve the local community in all its sectors.

Furthermore, Mr. Jabareen thanked the Belgian government for its continued support to the Palestinian people in general and in particular to the local government sector, pointing out the importance of the support to the ministry's policies and in implementing its strategic directions.

Mrs. Haven expressed her happiness and satisfaction with the completion of this important project, which contributes to the revival and preservation of the building’s historical identity.

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