"Maisha Bora" - Belgian Food Security Programme for the Districts of Longido and Simanjiro - 2015-2020

BFFS Coordination
> Tanzanie

Maisha Bora Local Partners: Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT)

  • Maisha Bora Local Partners: Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT)

Ujamaa Community Resource Team (UCRT) is a non-profit environmental and social justice organization, whose mandate is to work with indigenous groups of different cultures). Its mandated target communities are those who depend on communal resource management regimes to support their livelihoods. The main objective is improved livelihood for pastoralist and hunter-gatherer communities through enhanced capacity of communities to sustainably manage their natural resources. UCRT has more than 20 years’ experience in village land use planning and land governance.

UCRT works with the full involvement of local communities to develop strategies for long-term sustainable management and wise use of land and natural resources. We believe that all members of a community deserve an equal right to participate and make decisions regarding community affairs and that decisions should not be undermined by elite or vested interests. To achieve this vision, UCRT has developed strong and close relationships with the communities. 

UCRT has supported and empowered the local communities it works with to:

  • Secure certificates (rights) to their village lands
  • Develop and implement better local resource management plans, based on customary practices
  • Achieve the resolution of long-standing local conflicts over land and natural resources 
  • Partner with the private sector to generate revenues that have helped transform their access to education and health services
  • Reinvigorate and enable customary leadership institutions to address key societal issues (such as women’s rights) and build inter-community cohesion and cooperation 
  • Promote community land and natural resource interests in Tanzania’s constitutional reform process.
UCRT works together with VSF-B on the livestock component of the Maisha Bora programme and is responsible for the execution of result field 1: “Access & sustainable use of livestock resources”.  

For more information see: www.ujamaa-crt.org

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