Kilombero and Lower Rufiji Wetlands Ecosystem Management Project

> Tanzanie

Research paper on the effects of land use changes in the Kilombero Valley

  • Research paper on the effects of land use changes in the Kilombero Valley

KILORWEMP established a collaboration with two Wetland Science projects based at the University of Bonn. The science projects are funded respectively by the German Ministry of Education and Research, the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the EU Horizon 2020 program.

This collaboration and pooling of efforts enabled KILORWEMP to improve the cost effectiveness of the assessment of landscape change in the project target area. The teaming up with well-established expertise in the field of Wetland Science also enabled the production of a solid scientific assessment of key change processes taking place in the Kilombero Valley.

Recently, a paper in the scientific journal ‘Sustainability’ was published, reflecting some of this collaborative work. Results of the scientific research show that the changes of land use in the Kilombero Valley – being a floodplain that is increasingly being utilized for agriculture – has “significantly altered the floodplain and already shows an impact on the ecosystem by degrading the existing wildlife corridors”.  

KILORWEMP is undertaking efforts to raise awareness on the effects of these land use changes, and policy makers are urged to make informed decisions on how to sustainably manage agricultural activities and environmental protection  in the area.  

The full paper can be found through this link:

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