Rwanda: Enabel Forestry Team takes part in a 3-day supervision visit at TREPA project activity sites

  • Rwanda: Enabel Forestry Team takes part in a 3-day supervision visit at TREPA project activity sites

This week Enabel Forestry project Team is taking part in a three-day supervision mission of the Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation (TREPA) project funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) the supervision team is composed of IUCN Regional & Rwanda office, Rwanda Forestry Authority, CIFOR-ICRAF, World Vision, and Cordaid.

This first supervision mission aims to assess progress toward the project’s goal of restoring 60,000 ha of drought-degraded land in Eastern Rwanda. Through reforestation, agroforestry, and erosion control measures, to create climate-resilient ecosystems.

The team visited restoration sites coordinated by Enabel and engaged with beneficiaries, witnessing positive developments in afforestation, agroforestry, breeding seed orchards, and silvo-pastoral land restoration, among other initiatives.

For the past two years Enabel contribution to TREPA project achievements by mapping and organizing very degraded private forests (to be restored) in Private Forest Management Unity (PFMU) where around 3,700 ha mapped into Forest Monitoring Evaluation System (FMES) tool, organized into 65 PFMUs and their restoration is achieved on 1471 ha (37%) and is on-going across all 7 Districts of Eastern Province.

Enabel has contributed also to the achievement of project output 1.5 through dissemination of 7000 Improved CookStoves (ICS) to the project beneficiary.

TREPA project is a six years initiative aiming to achieve a paradigm shift in land management practices in Rwanda’s Eastern Province in all the seven districts of the Eastern Province namely Gatsibo, Nyagatare, Bugesera, Ngoma, Kirehe, Kayonza, and Rwamagana from landscapes that are degraded, fragile and unable to sustain livelihoods in the face of climate change to restored ecosystems and landscapes through building community resilience to enhance livelihoods, food, and water security of the most vulnerable rural population.

  • Rwanda: Enabel Forestry Team takes part in a 3-day supervision visit at TREPA project activity sites
  • Rwanda: Enabel Forestry Team takes part in a 3-day supervision visit at TREPA project activity sites
  • Rwanda: Enabel Forestry Team takes part in a 3-day supervision visit at TREPA project activity sites
  • Rwanda: Enabel Forestry Team takes part in a 3-day supervision visit at TREPA project activity sites

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