The support to skilling uganda intervention (SSU) in the Karamoja region

Skilling Karamoja
> Ouganda

FROM STUDENT TO TEACHER – the story of Odong Andrew technical instructor in Nakapiripirit Technical institute.

  • FROM STUDENT TO TEACHER – the story of Odong Andrew technical instructor in Nakapiripirit Technical institute.

For bible believers the writing is on the wall in provers 22;229Do you see someone diligent and skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank.” It is this kind of text that inspired Odongo Andrew, 27, from Omito Parish in Lira to become the good instructor. Born in an impoverished family of 7 children with parents who survived om brewing local potent-gin
codenamed Waragi, Odong was forced to quit school in Primary seven. Few months after quitting, he joined Latodi company as construction “porter” (a worker whose only job is to take instruction on the various chores signed by the constructor). His only Pay then was UGX 4500 ($1.5) and plate of posho and beans per day. Even with his meager resource, Odong could save half a dollar and with time he made his first capital that was to act as his first school fees.He borrowed a small mattress from his brother and made sojourn to the catholic diocese in Lira where a one father Bentino offered him a job as “spanner boy” helping out in the garage.  He worked here for 3 years until Bentino gave him UGX 600, 000 ($200) as token of appreciation.  This money was perhaps the start of a long journey to skilling but he confesses it was never enough to study his dream course.  He then enrolled at Kiryandongo for a craft one course but continued to work as a part-time casual laborer until he finished school. It is at time that Enabel Supported by Irish aid offered to provide support to skilling young Karamajongs. Odong was approached by the deputy principle of the Vocational institute in Nakapiripirit, Okwir Benson who later registered him as one of the 25 pioneer Moto vehicle training students under the sponsorship of Enabel. True to his determination Odong was the only who passed National Exams. AK Mukwano plastics provided opportunity for internship and was paying at least UGX 200,000 per month. “This raise came as result of training. Thanks to Enabel” he says with an explicit smile on his face. The skilling and pay also promoted him to becoming a mechanic at Wimble garage in Lira, from where he upgraded to an instructor’s course at the National Instructors’ college in Abino-nino. Odong has not forgotten his roots, he back where his talent was made at the Nakapiripirit vocational institute where he serves instructor for Moto vehicle Technology and acts institute mechanic.  He provided advise to all those who seem frustrated by pressure of life with five attributes for success.1.    Accept who you are 2.    Do not consider your background you have the power to change your future3.    Be creative and innovative 4.    Be disciplined 5.     Be innovative 

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