Education Program in Uganda

PMU Education
> Ouganda



The sun is shining brilliantly pouring over the streets of Hoima town as we drive and park at court view hotel. The manager of court view hotel welcomes us warmly and later introduces us to Joselyn Ayisiza a 21 year old trained cateress supported by Enabel through hands on skills training that took place at millennium vocational school in Masindi.

Joselyn heard about the program from a friend while working as a mobile money agent in a kiosk in Masindi. She travelled to Hoima where she applied, did interviews and got enrolled for the Pastry and Catering course. One year later, Joselyn has skills in baking, preparing both local and international cuisines and other delicacies.

She got employment soon after completing the course at court view hotel and earns 200,000shs. Per month. She is able to pay her own rent, save and also cater for her personal needs since getting the job seven months ago.
She was given a startup kit by Enabel which she plans to use to start up her side business of setting up an eatery when she saves enough capital to enable her dream come true. The training also improved her social interactions to which she says,”I made good influential friends who are helping me.”

Her manager says, “She is a very hardworking girl who is promising.” Joselyn is one of the many youth who have been trained in skills to improve their livelihood and employability in a skills thirsty economy.

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