European Union Trust Fund (EUTF) - Support Programme for Refugee settlements in Northern Uganda (SPRS-NU) Livelihood and Labor Market Relevant Skills Development for Refugees & Host Communities

> Ouganda

Meet Eyalu a young man who acquired skills in metal fabrication and supports his siblings and plans to employ youth.

  • Meet Eyalu a young man who acquired skills in metal fabrication and supports his siblings and plans to employ youth.

When he completed senior four, Michael Eyalu Ugandan National,e had no fees to continue with formal studies.

One day though his connections, Eyalu learnt of none formal training in metal fabrication supported by European Union Emergency Trust fund in Adjumani. He applied and was short listed for the course.

European Union emergency fund supports host communities and refugees in northern Uganda acquire skills and improve livelihood. Enabel,  Belgium Development agency supports skills development for refugees and host communities in Northern Uganda.

  Eyalu engaged in rigorously training and after six months, he was attached to apprenticeship in a local workshop in Adjumani.

“It was here that we learnt the practical requirements of metal fabrication,” Eyalu says.

According to the workshop Manager Silver, many young boys from different backgrounds come for industrial training and leave within a short time. Michael persisted and stayed.

“He could come over the weekends. And when the industrial training ended, he continued to volunteer with us,” Silver  said.

After the industrial training, Eyalu was retained as metal welder. Here, Eyalu sharpened his skills and produced doors and windows.

In a day, Eyalu makes four doors. He is paid UGX 15,000 per door. ‘When there is work, I am able to make good money,” Eyalu says.

At the workshop, Eyalu is respected by fellow works, who describe him as dedicated worker. At the moment, Eyalu uses his daily income to sustain himself at Adjumani but also pay schools fees for his siblings in primary and secondary schools. He has six siblings. 

Eyalu plans to offer mentorship for incoming learners.

 ‘I know, they will come here. I will support them,” he says.

With his new skills, Eyalu has plans to open a workshop. He was offered start up kits.

“Once I open my workshop, I will train them and offer them jobs,” Eyalu says.

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