Local Government Reform and Development Programme - Phase II

> Palestine

Barta'a presenting the first results of the ARD intiative

  • Barta'a presenting the first results of the ARD intiative activities

The Barta’a Cluster organized a two-day workshop in Jericho, as part of the ARD (Area Resilience and Development) initiative Laboratory meetings, during which every partner cluster presents their progress, lessons learned, challenges and accomplishments to the other partner clusters.

The workshop started with an introduction from the Barta’a’s communities on the challenges they face and the results they expect from the ARD (Area Resilience and Development) initiative. Then, the youth and the women of Barta’a gave a presentation on the community activities they are preparing to help implement the ARD initiative in the cluster. The first day ended with an overview of the achievements of the initiative up until now, and a view of their 2019 action plan.

On the second day of the workshop, the cluster discussed the MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) that defined the roles of and relationships between the communities of the cluster, during and after the initiative.

This activity is part of the ARD
(Area Resilience and Development) Initiative, as part of the Local Government Reform and Development Programme, implemented by the Ministry of Local Government and The Municipal Development and Lending Fund and funded by the Government of Belgium through Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency.

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