Integrated Water Management and Urban Development in relation to Climate Change in Binh Thuan Province

> Vietnam

Belgian Ambassador at Inauguration Ceremony for River Bank Works in Binh Thuan

  • Belgian Ambassador at Inauguration Ceremony for River Bank Works in Binh Thuan

On 10 January 2019, the Provincial People’s Committee of Binh Thuan had the great honor to welcome Mr Paul Jansen, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, for the inauguration ceremony for completion of works to strengthen the embankment of the Luy River in Phan Thanh commune, Bac Binh District. The construction which helps to stabilize the river banks and reduce erosion risk was implemented under the Belgium-funded project of “Integrated water resource management and urban planning related to climate change in Binh Thuan Province”.
Climate change and its contribution to flooding and river bank erosion are significant issues in Binh Thuan and this area along the Luy river in Ca Dien hamlet of Phan Thanh commune in Binh Phuoc hamlet of Cho Lau town were identified as high-risk for river bank instability. To prevent further erosion and to protect adjacent houses and valuable agricultural land construction works were implemented to protect 330m of river bank at Ca Dien Hamlet and 250m at Binh Phuoc. Implementation of the works was managed by the Project Coordination Unit of the Binh Thuan project along with the support of Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency.
The ceremony was hosted by Mr Le Tuan Phong, Deputy Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee and attendance included representatives from the province’s departments and agencies, district and commune leaders and many local inhabitants who are the beneficiaries of the works.
The total investment was 567,000 euro from Belgian funds and another 76,600 euro from other sources. Construction work consists of 330 metres of river embankment in Canh Dien hamlet and 250 metres in Cho Lau town. The construction includes concrete and rock reinforcement of the river bank plus a concrete road to enhance all-weather access. As a cost-saving measure and to enhance the aesthetics, the design incorporates reinforced vegetation sections at the top of the bank using Vetiver grass. This grass is known to be very resistant to erosion and this innovation provides demonstration of its effectiveness to provide a greener alternative for river protection works. 
When in operation, this project will help reduce erosion at the Luy river and protect people’s houses and crops. It will also help improve the travelling situation of the local residents, and protect the environment along the river. The works at Ca Dien Hamlet provide protection to 60 houses and the works at Binh Phuoc Hamlet provide protection to 40 houses. In total, the work will benefit about 3,000 residents, of whom 1,000 are living in the area nearby the work, and the other 2,000 are inhabiting the surrounding areas.

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