The provincial Youth Union organization of Kon Tum provided a communication and action training for the group leaders of the pilot districts on 3rd and 4th November 2018. The how of making action plans for the work with communes and organizing citizens dialogues was developed out of the discussion of the role of the Youth Union in Vietnamese society. In interactive small groups and play-situations the participants trained their communication skills and group working skills for more efficient and active steering of the citizens dialogue and the social criticism of mass organizations towards the government units at district and commune levels. Intense discussions lead to the exposure of deficits of People's Councils and the Vietnam Fatherland Front in the work with mass organizations. The youth leaders developed strategies for better action planning, which should result in a more steady financing of their work. One way would be that the Youth Union takes over some work for the government organizations in direct services for the communes, which would yield some more income for the youth groups.
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