Support for responsive accountable local governance in Kon Tum Province, Vietnam

Kon Tum
> Vietnam

Citizens' dialog saw around 100 participants

  • Citizens' dialog saw around 100 participants

On November 2, 2018, the Vietnam Fatherland Front organized a big dialogue with citizens on all current problems, the people face in their daily life in Dak Ha town. Citizens addressed the People's Committee, the Party secretary and representatives of departments of public services with their concerns and received immediate proposals for solving the problems. Citizens also took the opportunity to make proposals for the work of government organizations and for the improvement of public security and safer living and business environment. Dak Ha town organized a permanent reception office, where the People's Committee, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the People's Council and the Party secretary work together on citizens' reception. This facilitates participatory local governance and a permanent two-way dialogue between the people and the authorities.

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