Green Growth Strategy Facility (GGSF)

> Vietnam

Application of science and technology to develop a model on mushroom growing and organic fertilizer production from agricultural wastes/byproducts in

  • Application of science and technology to develop a model on mushroom growing and organic fertilizer production from agricultural wastes/byproducts in

To achieve the goal of creating jobs, generating incomes, improving the living standards for rural workers, contributing to environmental protection, land reclamation, improvement of the quality of agricultural products, towards sustainable development, GGSF has supported Ha Tinh province with the project: "Application of science and technology to develop a model on mushroom growing and organic fertilizer production from agricultural wastes/byproducts in Ha Tinh province".

Ha Tinh is an agricultural province, with more than 70% of the population relies on agriculture. Therefore, there is a huge amount of agricultural waste products after harvesting annually, especially straw. Farmers have a habit of burning straws at the field, causing environmental pollution, degrading  soil quality and wasting natural resources. In order to make use of agricultural by-products/wastes, in 2015, with supports of the Department of Science – Technology, in Ha Tinh, people produced 50,000 packages of biological products and more than 25,000 tons of organic fertilizer. This figure is still considered very humble because current demand for safe and clean vegetable production has been a hot issue and the authorities and the people are very interested. According to the forecast for the coming years, the figure will increase by 25-30% compared to 2015.

Mushroom growing in Ha Tinh began to be formed since 2002 with only few trial households and small scale, therefore consumer market was very litmited. After times, mushroom growing and development has now become  popular in most of the districts, towns and city in the province with increasing number of households joined. However, most of farmers are just buying mushroom bags in the Mushroom Center, other than proactively producing larger quantity, finding provincial and outside markets for mushroom and bio-fertilizer products.

Basing on this reality, the project "Application of science and technology to develop a model on mushroom growing and organic fertilizer production from agricultural wastes/byproducts in Ha Tinh province" aims to utilize the agricultural wastes/byproducts to produce clean products with high economic value, to improve incomes, increase soil fertility and limit the use of chemical fertilizers, reducing environmental pollution, and helping farmers to apply the advanced technology into production, gradually forming the thoughts in the direction of commodity production, intensive cultivation, creating commercial products with high quality, to satisfy the consumer’s needs in and outside the province, generating jobs for people in rural areas, reducing the cost of purchasing fertilizers (using compost made from agricultural waste/byproducts instead).

The project has supported  Ha Tinh to implement green agriculture, through utilizing waste/by-products of the agricultural sector for mushroom and compost production to increase income, reduce pollution, contribute to the achivement of objectives of the National GG Action Plan.

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