Schools Construction, Rehabilitation and Equipment in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - PHASE IV

Schools IV
> Palestine

School opening of the DUMA Secondary School for girls in Adh-Dhahiriya, South Hebron

  • School opening of the DUMA Secondary School for girls in Adh-Dhahiriya, South Hebron

On the 23rd of August 2017, Eric De Muynck, Head of Cooperation of the Belgian Consulate, joined the Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Sabri Saidam, in the celebrations of the school opening of DUMA Secondary School for girls in Adh-Dhahiriya, South Hebron.

The DUMA school was built under the bilateral Schools Construction program of the Belgian Development Agency (BTC). It provides an answer to the issues of over-crowdedness in nearby secondary schools, unsuitable and old classrooms, lack of specialized schools and long travel distances to school. The DUMA school consists of 16 classrooms that can host 600 girls, specialized rooms for science and ICT, a multi-purpose hall, teacher rooms, outdoor facilities, and a library with a terrace for reading. The school also adheres to environmental standards by optimizing natural light, natural cross-ventilation, water reuse, and thermal insulation. Later this year solar panels will be installed as well.

In his speech, Eric De Muynck stressed the strong collaboration between Belgium and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, focused on the joint efforts to provide safe access to schools and protection of children, especially in vulnerable areas such as Area C, and the vital role of girl’s education for the future of the Palestinian Territory. The opening of the DUMA school featured in a day of celebrations to initiate the first day of school across the Palestinian Territory.

In the events, Belgium was joined by Ireland, Norway and Germany as partners in the Joint Financing Arrangement (JFA) in support of the education sector.

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