European Union Trust Fund (EUTF) - Support Programme for Refugee settlements in Northern Uganda (SPRS-NU) Livelihood and Labor Market Relevant Skills Development for Refugees & Host Communities

> Ouganda

Only girl, graduated on top of her skills training class

  • Only girl, graduated on top of her skills training class

22-year old Viko Gloria graduated on top of her class in January 2017 from the Skills Training Centre of Welthunger Hilfe. She is now a co-instructor for the Carpentry and Joinery class at the center in Rhino Settlement in Arua District, Northern Uganda.

My performance was good and that is why I was retained to teach. I am already earning a salary and I also plan to make furniture such as beds and roofing material for sale to earn extra income during my free time” says Gloria. With this additional savings income, Gloria will be able to take care of her parents and educate her younger siblings. 

Gloria was among the youth attaining livelihood and labor market relevant quality skills to create jobs and improve their standards of living. Gloria was the only girl in her class. Moreover, the class that she teaches currently has no female student neither, nevertheless with her recent promotion she plays a role model among fellow young girls. She is one of the few nationals from the host community at the center.

The Ugandan Government programme ‘REHOPE‘  focuses on integrating both refugees and host communities in its programme ensuring co-existence. 
BTC-Uganda promotes skills development as part of the Support Programme for Refugees Settlements and Host Communities in Northern Uganda (SPRS-NU) funded by European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF).  It is supporting improved training programmes such the one Gloria graduated from. By working with national Ministry of Education and Sports BTC Uganda aims to ensure quality, standardization and certification of skills training for refugees and host communities.

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