Support to the Innovation and Development of Business Incubators Policy Project

> Vietnam



On June 23rd, 2017 the BIPP MTR was completed with the restitution workshop where the MTR consultant presented their findings and recommendations. The workshop was attended by senior representatives of MoST, BTC Resident Representative as well as some key project stakeholders. The Development Cooperation Counselor of the Belgian Embassy presented as well.

The MTR consultant delivered a concise presentation on BIPP overall implementation performance since project inception. In conclusion, despite BIPP’s difficult start-up phase, the project is on course to meet most of its objectives. BIPP is highly aligned to national strategies and policies of the Government of Vietnam and MoST for private sector development. More concretely, the project has made important achievements in determining best practices and lessons learnt to support incubator policy development, piloting of a grant seed fund and two TBIs with 38 tenants.
The main challenges rest with management for results. There is insufficient evidence at this stage to conclude that the observed dynamic of the intervention and the piloting of Innofund and one TBI are sustainable. However, discussions with the stakeholders suggest that they can be successfully addressed.

In addition, the MTR consultant highlighted few important recommendations for BIPP to consider centering on:

  • Activation of the inter-ministerial and inter-agency cooperation to strengthen the network and communication of the valuable policy support tools developed by BIPP to a much wider public and private sector audience;
  • Complementing the existing M&E system by additional impact assessments and surveys of final beneficiaries. This should help to assess more precisely impact, cost effectiveness and lessons learned from the project;
  • Increase of the likelihood of sustainability of the supported Technology Business Incubators and development of a realistic survival strategy for them;
BIPP will closely look into the MTR recommendations and will instigate appropriate implementation actions respectively.

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