Support to the Innovation and Development of Business Incubators Policy Project

> Vietnam

Edu2Review – the first website for education quality rating in Vietnam

  • Edu2Review – the first website for education quality rating in Vietnam is the first website where the quality of educational institutions such as language teaching centers, schools and universities are publicly rated. The site matches learners with prestigious institutions and helps learners make decisions on the most suitable learning options.

The webpage was launched in 2016 by EBrand Index Value Joint Stock Company (EBIV JSC), a pioneering technology company in Vietnam specialized in providing solutions to build individual and institutional credit index.

Joining the Technology Business Incubation Centre at Ho Chi Minh University of Technology in January 2017, EBIV JSC is now among the most promising clients there.

The business incubator center is a partner of the Business Incubator Policy Project (BIPP), established as a science-technology organization directly under Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. The center now provides incubatees with support for infrastructure, mentoring and business development services such as market survey and marketing, business planning, information on product ideas and technologies, etc. The incubatees also receive advice on legal subjects and procedures, intellectual property rights, technical training courses on business plan development, market development and expansion, business development strategy, financial management and other soft skill trainings for its employees.

Aside from such fundamental support, the incubator center provides EBIV with information on disparate funding for Science & Technology product research and development, developing and expanding relationships with communities, organizations and enterprises, making networks, finding cooperation opportunities with domestic and international enterprises.

All support offered by the incubation center is critical to the company's development trajectory, especially in the initial stage when EBIV is still a fledgling enterprise.

Given the current situation in Vietnam when start-ups mushroom at an incredible rate, many succeed while the others fail, EBIV chooses to rely on the center's support and assistance while continuously enhancing its capacity. EBIV is striving to become the number one education review website with millions of visitors per month by July 2017.

Hopefully, after graduating from the incubation center, EBIV can gain further momentum to become self-sustainable.

More detailed information can be found on the website 

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