European Union Trust Fund (EUTF) - Support Programme for Refugee settlements in Northern Uganda (SPRS-NU) Livelihood and Labor Market Relevant Skills Development for Refugees & Host Communities

> Ouganda

Launch of the EU project for Refugees in Northern Uganda

The Support Programme for Refugee Settlements and Host Communities in Northern Uganda (SPRS-NU) funded by the European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) and aimed at supporting aspects of stability contribute to better migration management as well as addressing the root causes of destabilization, forced displacement and irregular migration in the Horn of Africa.

 SPRS-NU is a 3-year programme implemented through three components: (i) Water and sanitation (WASH) component, managed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA); (ii) Skills development & entrepreneurship training, managed by the Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC) Agency; and (iii) the Livelihoods, Conflict Management, Educational and Knowledge components, managed by a NGO Consortium, led by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) consisting of the Save the Children, ZOA & CEFORD.

This programme is in line with the Refugee and Host Population Empowerment (Re-HOPE) strategy and adheres to the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF). This involvement also underlines the EU's commitment to work closely not only with Government of the Republic of Uganda, but also with other development partners. By doing so, effective, sustainable and coordinated programmes for the benefit of both host communities and refugees in Northern Uganda are ensured.

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