Improving the quality of primary health care and health services in Rwanda - Ubuzima Burambye (Long healthy life)

Ubuzima Burambye
> Rwanda

Fire safety management trainings to increase the safety of health facilities

  •  Fire safety management trainings to increase the safety of health facilities

Through “Ubuzima Burambye” Health Programme, BTC Rwanda - in close partnership with the Ministry of Health - wants to strengthen the quality of primary health care and health services in Rwanda. One of the expected results of the programme is to set up a functional quality assurance system at the level of all hospitals. It includes fire prevention and fire safety management. The Ministry of Health is mandated to oversee the quality and safety in all health facilities in Rwanda. It has been observed by the Ministry that some health facilities, were encountered by fire outbreak and there was no fire safety management in place. In this context, the Ministry of Health in collaboration with Rwanda National Police have developed fire safety training programme, focusing on health facilities to ensure safety of healthcare providers, patients, public and infrastructure.

Supported by BTC, a first set of theoretical and practical "training for trainers" took place in Kigali. The newly formed trainers are coming from different health facilities in the country. They have acquired basic skills, knowledge and abilities on fire safety management and are now able to develop fire safety program and plans for preparedness. In collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the National Police, they will guide, inspect and evaluate fire risks in the health facilities. Appropriate measures will be taken if needed. The trainer’s next mission is now to train staff on fire safety management within the health facilities. This is a crucial step for making Rwandan health facilities comply with national and international accreditation criteria on fire prevention.

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